Monday, November 30, 2009

Increase Website Traffic. Free Website & Traffic Analysis

For the month of December, I'm offering a FREE website analysis. That's right! A free review of your website and online marketing tactics to increase traffic. No strings attached. You have nothing to lose.

My website analysis (PDF) and traffic suggestions will consist of the following:

  • Website Goals
  • Website Background Analysis
  • Social Media / Online Marketing Analysis
  • Traffic Strategy & Plan

The outline will be a "basic" website overview (see examples below) and my traffic strategy for your individual website.

More Traffic = More Leads
More Traffic = More Sales
More Traffic = More Branding Exposure
More Traffic = More Advertisers


To participate in this free offer, just fill out the "contact me" form at the bottom of the page or right-hand side underneath my profile. This will be on a "first come, first serve basis." Hopefully, I will get back to everyone that submits their website for review. No restrictions on the type of website or content (product or service). It’s a win-win scenario. You get a guide that will examine your website, and my traffic solutions. I will throw in basic SEO strategies as well as various online marketing tactics. The end of the slide deck will consist of a few consulting options. That’s it. No strings attached. Win-Win scenario.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Coming Soon...........

Coming soon for the month of December only. Wait for it. Think website optimization. Think online marketing. Think website analysis. A one time deal that will help you drive more traffic to your website. Announcement coming soon.

Friday, November 20, 2009

15 ROI Metrics for Social Media

One of the barriers to Social Media investment is the insufficient metrics to measure the impact. That said, I have compiled a quick list of ROI metrics for Social Media. Use them in your campaigns or use them to convince management to make that resource marketing investment.

  1. Uniques
  2. Page Views
  3. Comments and Trackbacks
  4. Group creation
  5. Time spend on site
  6. Bounce Rate (the percentage of initial visitors to a site who "bounce" away to a different site)
  7. Active members
  8. Connections
  9. Completed profiles
  10. Friends/Fans
  11. Links
  12. Diggs
  14. Return visits
  15. Applications/Widget installs

    Take a look at the above metrics. Does your sales correlate with the metric data? Keeping track of the data will give you an idea of whats working and whats not working in your Social Media strategy.

    Friday, November 13, 2009

    Google Analytics

    I came across a neat Google Analytics widget app called "Polaris" (see screen shots below). Its cross platform and sits on your desktop. Easy install with the free version giving you access to one profile. If you have multiple profiles, you need to pay $15/year which is cheap if you have more than one website or blog. Just for the convenience alone, its worth installing. Check out the features:

    • Overview of total visits, pageviews and other useful metrics.
    • Switch between different date ranges.
    • The visits reports gives you a day by day view on a nice chart.
    • 8 different report modes.
    • Google Maps report capability.
    • Referring sites report provides a list with the top 25 referring sites.
    • Which pages perform best with the top content report.
    • Keywords report shows you which keywords are used mostly on organic searches.
    • If you have one or more goals defined, this reports shows you a quick overview on how they are performing.

    It literally takes about 5 minutes to install. This is a perfect example of how a simple little desktop widget comes in handy when your boss is on the phone asking you for quick metric data.

    Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    Is There a Scarcity of Good Marketing Today?

    I'm beginning to think so. Bottom line: Good marketing = convert the leads into sales.The only marketing that has moved me in the last couple of years is Social Media optimization. Look for Social Media to infiltrate CRM applications. The CRM industry is just beginning to leverage the OpenSocial APIs. Look for it soon. Get on the bus people.

    Friday, November 6, 2009

    How Not To Ruin Your Brand On Twitter


    1. Twitter about how drunk you were last night. You will ruin your brand name. Bottom line = don’t get to personal. Think of Twitter more like a blog.
    2. Don't Twit your everyday micro actions. No one cares if you just went to the bathroom or thinking about a dream you had last night.
    3. If you can’t Twit your thoughts in 140 characters.....create a blog!
    4. Don't get to "into" Twitter i.e., it consumes your life and you never leave the house.
    5. Don't use profanity in your Tweets. Never.

    This is just a very short list. I'm beginning to see these trends among professionals that I'm following. If it’s a complete distraction I just "unfollow" them and their off my radar. Just be a Pro. Own you brand online and don't get distracted. Don't push your business and SPAM at every opportunity. Post quality sound bites and interesting links. Use for those long URL's. Also, don’t ask for more followers. If you tweet quality content, follows shall come!